• The institution offers Ph.D. programme in three subjects, namely Chemistry, Conservation Biology and Geology
  • Presently, there are 26 research scholars enrolled/registered for Ph.D. programmes offered by the institution under the affiliation of Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol
  • Seven faculty members of the institution have been recognized as Ph.D. guides by Kazi Nazrul University Asansol and one faculty member has been recognized as Ph.D. guide by The University of Burdwan
  • Eight Major Research projects have been completed/ongoing since 2019 funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Department of Science and Technology, Government of West Bengal, West Bengal Pollution Control Board, West Bengal Zoo Authority and Indian Council of Social Science Research, Government of India
  • Faculty members have International, National and State Level research collaborations
  • Faculty members regularly publish research articles in reputed SCI and SCOPUS indexed international and national journals of high impact factor
  • Faculty members act as reviewers of several international and national journals
  • Faculty members publish monographs, books and book chapters with international and national publishers
  • Faculty member has received recognition for best cited and best downloaded paper by Wiley
  • One research scholar has received award of excellence for paper presentation by Indian Chemical Society
  • The Institution organizes international, national and state level seminars/conferences.
  • The institution organized 6th Regional Science and Technology Congress in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal in January 2024
  • Faculty members act as resource person in different events organized by external agencies
  • Students and faculty members regularly participate and present their research work in seminars/conferences/competitions
  • Students of different institutes have completed internship under the guidance of faculty member of Department of Geology
  • The institution publishes its academic journal “Communique” (ISSN-0973-8584) covering multidisciplinary research articles and reviews
  • Departments and cells publish their newsletters in the college website in which students write articles, prepare posters and also share their experiences
  • Add on course on research methodology was conducted by Department of Conservation Biology. Research methodology workshops are conducted by Departments
  • Student projects are completed on different research areas and presentation by students are uploaded in YouTube channel
  • Several workshops on software training are conducted for students and faculty members under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME
  • New experiments beyond course curriculum, open ended experiments, workshops, hands on training programmes are conducted under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME to improve the research fundamentals of students
  • Central Instrumentation Facility houses different scientific equipment and monitoring cell is also constituted for the same