Equipments Purchased from the grant received from Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal in 2023-2024

Name and Specification of Equipment Quantity
Microprocessor Controlled Single Neam UV Visible Spectrophotometer with Software (Wavelength: 190 to 1100 nm with Accuracy 0.8 nm and Repeatability 0.2 nm, Banwidth 2 nm, T: 0 to 200%, A: -0.3 to 3) 1
Glass Desiccator, 6” diameter 2
Mini Cold Centrifuge 1
Dancing rocker shaker 1
Spinwin 1
Geldoc set up white trans and epi illumination and camera mount 1
Celfrost 4 degree celsius, 250 litres 1
Glass Desiccator, 6” diameter 3
Non Glass Desiccator 4” diameter 2
Liquid Nitrogen container cryo can ( 4 litres capacity) 1


Equipments Purchased from the grant received under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (2022-2023)

  1. Haemocytometer
  2. Laminar Air Flow – 2’ x 2’ x 2’
  3. Digital pH Meter
  4. DNA mini Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
  5. Lux meter
  6. Digital Balance (0.0000 g)
  7. Digital Colorimeter
  8. Autoclave (SS)
  9. Tabletop Centrifuge
  10. Desktop Computer
  11. Protein Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
  12. Stereo Microscope with Camera for Tissue Culture
  13. Magnetic Stirrer
  14. UV Transilluminator
  15. Paper Chromatography Chamber
  16. Pipetman Micropipettes
  17. Multi Tube Vortexer
  18. Ultra-Freezer (-20°C)
  19. Stage micrometer
  20. Camera Lucida Prism
  21. Digital Balance (0.000 g)
  22. Tissue Culture Rack
  23. Plant growth chamber


Equipments Purchased from 2018 to 2022 from RUSA grant and fund from Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal

Sl. No Equipment Name Purchase Year Quantity
1 Adaptor with digital camera attachment binocular microscope 2019 2
2 BOD incubator 2019 1
3 Compound microscope with LED light 2019 10
4 Refrigerator 2019 1
5 Cold centrifuge 2018 1
6 Compound microscope attachment camera 2018 2
7 Digital balance 2018 2
8 Distillation plant 2018 1
9 Hot plate with Magnetic Stirrer 2018 1
10 Hot water bath 2018 1
11 Ocular micrometer 2018 10
12 pH meter 2018 2
13 Stage micrometer 2018 10
14 Visible spectrophotometer 2018 1
15 Water Bath 2018 1




Sl. No. Processor RAM (GB) Internet Connectivity available?
1 Intel i3 4 Yes
2 Intel Dual Core 2 Yes
3 Intel Pentium IV 2 Yes
4 Intel Dual Core 4 Yes
5 Intel i3 4 Yes