Teaching methods and aids used    

  • Chalk and Talk
  • Demonstration of Experiments in Classrooms,
  • Hands on training experiments
  • Use of software for teaching
  • Using MOODLE for uploading e-content
  • Visits to research laboratories


Innovative methods of teaching used          

  • Uploading Video lectures for students
  • You Tube Channel of the Department:


  • Incorporate hands-on activities and software training workshops such as Chem Draw. Gaussian, Gauss View etc for demonstration of Topics through Modelling


E-Contents Uploaded in Knimbus Digital Library by Faculty Members




Department’s Initiatives for Assessing Learning Levels of Students

  • Mentor-Mentee Interactions
  • Special Classes separately for slow and advanced learners
  • Role play by students as teachers for demonstration of topics
  • Oral presentation by students
  • Student projects in groups and assessment of students’ activity in group
  • Assessing group work
  • Use of Bloom’s Taxonomy for framing question papers
  • Parent-Teacher Meetings


Modes of Internal Assessment

  • Class Test,
  • Power-point presentations,
  • Student Seminars
  • Assignments,
  • Project Works,
  • Practical Classes,
  • Brain Storming Sessions and Question Answer Sessions during Classes,
  • Quizzes