Workshop on Water Analyzer followed by Field visit for ground water collection and Student Project on industrial pollutant concentration assessment in the ground water;

(Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics)
Durgapur city is situated in the interfluve of the river Ajay and Damodar, and the recharge of ground water is mostly occurred from the Damodar River. Since Durgapur is primarily an industrial belt; many of the factories discharge their untreated waste into the local canal system that are flowing into the Damodar River. The pollutant within those waste disposal ultimately reaches the groundwater table and disperse as the ground water flows in the downstream direction. The students of Geology, Chemistry and Mathematics located the source of waste disposal through GPS and the demarcated the tube wells and dug well samples were collected from these sites and those samples were then analyzed by students.
18-06-2024: Workshop on the use of Water Analyzer (procured from the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME grant)

20-06-2024 onwards: Collection and analysis of the water samples through field visits


Hands on training on ” Mathematica software”

(Mathematics and Zoology):

Students got the hands on training on the biological applications of the MATHEMATICA software (procured from the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME grant ) for data analysis and representation.

Hands on training on ” Resistivity meter Logging in Ground Water Exploration”
(Physics, and Geology)

Students learnt the concept of Resistivity survey which is a widely used geophysical technique for mapping subsurface structures and characterizing geological formations. The resistivity meter was procured from the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME grant.


Hands on training on “Digital Image Processing: An overview”
(Physics, Mathematics and Geology)
Students learnt the process and overview of Digital image processing and received hands on training through this interdisciplinary approach.


Hands on training on “Digital Image Processing: An overview”
(Physics, Mathematics and Geology)
Students learnt the process and overview of Digital image processing and received hands on training through this interdisciplinary approach.


Seminar on ” Aspects of Biogeochemistry”
(Botany, Geology and Chemistry)
Students got introduced to the interdisciplinary dimension and diverse applications of Biogeochemistry such as biogenic signals, biogeochemical cycles etc in this seminar.


Workshop and Student Project on Vegetation Mapping
(Botany and Geology)
08-08-2023 to 10-08-2023
A qualitative assessment of the Angiosperm flora was done by botany and geology students in the vicinity of IQ city Hospital of Durgapur, Pashim Barddhaman district to assess the influence of anthropogenic activities which is a major issue and location specific approach for the city of Durgapur.


New Experiment on Preparation of NiO nanoparticles by Sol Gel & coprecipitation methods
(Physics and Chemistry)
 Students learnt the technique for preparation of NiO nanoparticles


Hands on training experiment on “Visible Spectrophotometer and UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
(For students of all participating departments)
Students learnt to measure the absorbance using Visible spectrophotometer and perform spectrum scan using UV Visible spectrophotometer of organic samples synthesized in the chemistry laboratory. The solvents and other chemicals were procured from the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME grant.


Workshop on ” Biological and chemical waste handling and vermicomposting “
( Zoology and Chemistry)

Students were taken for visit to organic farm to learn vermicomposting and in house faculty members explained the methods of biological and chemical waste disposal to the students. A student project was subsequently designed on the management of chemical waste generated in undergraduate laboratories.




New Experiment “Applying the principle of Thin Layer Chromatography for separation of chemical mixture
(Zoology and Chemistry)

Students learnt to prepare TLC plates, give spots and measure the RF values. The chemicals and consumables were procured from the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME grant.



Workshop on “Soil Testing and Fundamentals of Fertilizer Recommendation”
(Chemistry, Botany, Zoology)

Students got the demonstration on the process of soil testing, soil composition and the concept of the use of fertilizer was introduced to them.



Winter School Training on “Characterization of Chemicals and analysis of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) before performing experiments”
(Chemistry, Botany, Zoology):
24-11-2022 to 30-11-2022

Students could characterize chemical compounds by classifying them on the basis of safety symbols and properties mentioned in the MSDS. They were able to analyze chemicals before performing experiments and the safety measures to be adopted while using chemicals in the laboratories.


Winter School Training on Bioactivity of organic compounds by Computational Studies
(Chemistry, Botany, Zoology)

24-11-2022 to 30-11-2022 and 27-03-2024 to 28-03-2024

Students used computational chemistry software to draw the structures of biologically active compounds, they prepared the mol files and fed them into the Pass online software site to obtain the biological properties of the compounds. This training course equipped students towards the basics of computational chemistry and computational biology. They then analyzed the biological activity of the selected compound and presented their prepared projects through power-point presentations.