Teaching methods and aids used

• Chalk and Talk
• Demonstration of Experiments in Classrooms
• hands on training experiments
• MOODLE classroom
• Uploading teaching material in Digital Library
• Video class room
• Field demonstration

Innovative methods of teaching used

• Audio-Visual Teaching Mode with Laptop/YouTube
• You Tube Channel of the Department: https://www.youtube.com/@departmentbotanydurgapurgo8614
• Students’ extempore talks on any topic of Botany and quizzes also
• Educational excursions
• Incorporate hands-on activities
• MOODLE classroom


E-Contents Uploaded in Knimbus Digital Library by Faculty Members

Department’s Initiatives for Assessing Learning Levels of Students

  • Creating assignments, Creating exams
  • Using classroom assessment techniques
  • Using concept maps
  • Using concept tests
  • Assessing group work
  • Parent-Teacher Meetings


Effective Mentor-Mentee System
Sample Copy of Mentor-Mentee report prepared by Faculty Members
Mentor-Mentee Report 

Modes of Internal Assessment
• Class Test
• Power-point presentations
• Assignments
• Project Works
• Practical Classes
• Question Answer Sessions during Classes
• Quizzes etc