Teaching methods and aids used    

  • Chalk and Talk
  • Power-point presentations
  • Animations and real-time videos
  • Hands on training experiments
  • Use of software for teaching
  • Group discussions and seminar presentations
  • E-contents in digital platforms
  • Field visits


Innovative methods of teaching used          

  • Use of software for teaching
  • Google Classroom
  • Interactive sessions
  • Peer Teaching


E-Contents Uploaded in Knimbus Digital Library by Faculty Members




Department’s Initiatives for Assessing Learning Levels of Students

The primary reception by the students is the most important component of teaching. The reception depends on attention, mental ability, and some unknown factors. Based on the day-to-day class performance the teachers try to assess the requirements for special attention and act accordingly. However, a simple experiment establishes that a person may not receive and/or transmit the same which has been communicated. In a queue of say, ten persons, if a phrase is whispered in the ear of the last person and each of them is instructed to transmit it serially in the same manner, then the first person finally would speak out a different phrase. Hence, a teacher can’t always understand whether the students have understood the same thing, which the teacher intended to communicate. In the Department of Geology, the teachers take the help of a third reference to resolve this issue. Each student is insisted to consult the prescribed reference books to identify the communication gap. Then peer discussion among the batchmates is advised to get the points clarified. This helps learners to identify their limitations. The identified problems are then discussed by the teacher in the class. During this pandemic situation, periodical tests are taken for every course on the open-book method. This also helps the students to learn the critical aspects of the studied content. After the test, each of the individual answers of each student is discussed in the class to help them to understand their respective limitations in understanding, and are guided accordingly.


Group Discussion and Mentoring Sessions


Modes of Internal Assessment (Formative and Summative)

  • Continuous Evaluation
  • Class Test
  • Student seminars
  • Assignments
  • Project Work
  • Performance in Workshops and Hands on Training Programmes