Teaching methods and aids used    

  • Classroom lecture
  • Group Discussions
  • Sharing e- learning materials on various platforms
  • Interactive video-based lessons delivered through Departmental You Tube Channel: Department of Political Science has uploaded the lectures of faculty members to ensure the availability to students at any time and also students can learn at their own pace



  • Orientation programmes conducted at the commencement of each session
  • flexible learning process to suit the needs of each student
  • Role play based learning
  • assistance beyond classroom through dedicated class based online study groups

E-Contents Uploaded in Knimbus Digital Library by Faculty Members




Department’s Initiatives for Assessing Learning Levels of Students

  • Class presentation,
  • Written classroom as well as home-based assignment at regular intervals to assess continuous learning
  • Parent-Teacher Meetings

Modes of Internal Assessment

The Department of Political Science evaluates a student’s progress throughout the semester. A blend of different evaluation tools are used to enable the students to perform better in each successive evaluation. During the pandemic situation, which marked the shift from offline to online classes, assessment was carried through Google forms considering the simplified nature of filling the Google forms. The multiple choice questions assessed the various levels of learning outcomes.


During the academic session 2020-2021, the Department introduced a three phased internal assessment methodology which comprises of two viva voce and one home assignment over a period of three months. Viva Voce based evaluation was introduced to encourage the students to express themselves, think critically and helps them to develop their oral communication skills. The second mode of evaluation is home based written assignment which is uploaded in Google classroom and has to be submitted by the students within a stipulated time period. Home assignments require reading and collecting information from various sources. These enable the students to use their time at home and continue to be engaged in reading their study materials comprehensively before writing the assignment. The students are evaluated on the basis of the how in depth is their subject understanding and their presentation and articulation skills. At the beginning of each academic session, an orientation program is held to enable the students to understand the assessment process which will be followed after the onset of classes. This helps the students to prepare themselves for each internal examination in advance. The broad range of topics each assessment are shared with them in advance to help them perform better.

For the purpose of academic evaluation of students, the Department of Political Science has adopted multiple simplified modes and methods of examinations which include both formative, summative, observational and skill based assessment.
During the entire course of each semester, an emphasis is laid on year around monitoring of the participation of students during class activities to assess their learning levels like multiple question and answer sessions, mock tests and interactive group discussions .Based on the feedback, special focus is directed towards addressing the learning gaps amongst the students.
The summative assessment methodologies have been adopted by the Department like
a) Subject based home assignment
b) Oral assessment i.e., Viva voce.

The Department has adopted Observational assessment which is an integral tool of assessment during classroom teaching. Students communication skills, class participation and level of engagement is observed closely which aids in identifying the progress as well the needs of each student.The assessments are held at regular intervals and in a continuous phased manner so that every student tries to perform better in successive examinations.
The objective of Home-Based Assignments ensures the students engagement with learning and concept self- development even after class hours while Viva voce allows the students to present their ideas and conceptual understanding of any given aspect of the syllabus and evaluation is this case is made on the ground of clarity, presentation and knowledge. Prior to the announcement of internal examinations, remedial classes are also taken to fill up the gaps in understanding any lesson. Designated Faculty members provide mentorship to the students of final year (who are divided into groups) for their research-based project work by teaching them both the theoretical as well as practical aspects of research paper writing.