The constitution of Students’ Health, Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell and the Health and Hygiene Advisory Sub-Committee is in line with the institutional objective of promoting the holistic development of students.  The institution organizes events to ensure physical and mental well being of students and also provides the basic infrastructural facilities.

  • The cell always ensures Sick room facility for students. This part is absolutely taken care of as many students during exam due to physical ailments are unable to appear for exam with ease. The College Authority takes utmost care to ensure that students do not fail to appear for their exams due to physical ailments and also special sitting arrangements are made as per need to ensure them a stress free comfortable time during exam.
  • The Cell also looks after the female hygiene specially when students need sanitary help. A sanitary napkin vending machine is installed for their use at need. Students are also provided with demonstration of the vending machine by cell members.

Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine installed in Girls’ Common Room


Regular Monitoring of the Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine by the Cell Members


Demonstration of vending machine operation to Students by Faculty Members


Psychological Counselling

Dr. Imon Paul (MD Psychiatry, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, IQ City College and Hospital) from Durgapur and Dr. Sinchan Das (Homoeopathic Psychiatrist, Consultant Psychologist, Music Therapist and Director of Benevolentia Foundation) from Kolkata have served as Non-profit Counsellors of our college who have addressed our students on several occasions.




It was the Covid-19 moment of fear, anxiety, stress, and depression among the population: the young adults being the most severely affected citizens of India. The UG and PG students at Durgapur Government College were no exceptions and were severely affected by the unpredictable uncertain inexplicable suddenness of the strict lockdown measures and mental or/and physical dis-ease with the pandemic. Due to consecutive waves of online/offline classes, transportation issues, death and anxiety in the family and neighbour, online/offline exam uncertainties, cyber hatred and death news, the Medical Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell aimed to undertake certain constructive steps to aware and heal the students. The Cell organized three webinars to help our college students identify and to cope with the levels of fear of COVID-19, stress, anxiety, and depression during lockdown and to create awareness on prevention and control of depression. The three webinar/awareness programs were organised by the Medical Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell IQAC, Durgapur Government College on Google meet platform.


  1. ‘Mental Wellness in the time of Covid 19 Pandemic: : An Awareness Program on 7th December, 2021 from 7 pm onwards.

Resource Person: Dr. Imon Paul (MD Psychiatry, Field of Expertise: Child Psychiatry, Perinatal Psychiatry, OCD, Geriatric Psychiatry and Dementia, De-Addiction Services)


2. Webinar on ‘Depression with special focus on post-covid psychosis’ on 2nd January, 2022 from 7.30 pm onwards.
Resource Person: Dr. Sinchan Das (Director, Benevolentia Foundation, Homeopathic Psychiatrist, Consultant Psychologist, Music Therapist and Indian Classical Vocalist)


3. Webinar/Awareness Program on ‘Impact of Colours on Human Life’ on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 from 6.00 pm onwards
Invited Speaker: Dr.Sinchan Das (Director, Benevolentia Foundation, Homeopathic Psychiatrist, Consultant Psychologist, Music Therapist and Indian Classical Vocalist)

January 09, 2022
Webinar on Lifestyle Diseases organized by Health and Hygiene Advisory Committee


The Cell organized a daylong Music and Dance therapy cum Student seminar cum painting session in collaboration with Benevolentia Foundation (Kolkata)— “Volcano 2022″. on October 13, 2022 to observe World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2022)

The session offered music therapy to the students of our college and the Benevolentia family to reduce stress, improve mood and self-expression. The session’s motto was, “Let’s Express: Don’t Suppress.” With a bouquet of student activities, the session offered professional therapy encouraging students to accept changes with a positive mind and to believe in community well-being. During the session the music and dance therapists used music and dance interventions to address individual stress and anxiety issues. The therapists took care of each participant’s needs and insecurities.



Awareness Sessions organized by the Students’ Health Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell in collaboration with the Students’ Health and Hygiene Advisory Sub-Committee on February 19, 2024


Students’ Health Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell collaborated with NSS Units I and II to conduct one day survey and training programme on “Mental Wellbeing of College Students” in collaboration with the IQ City Institute of Nursing Sciences, Durgapur on March 01, 2024


Students’ Health Welfare and Psychological Counselling Cell collaborated with Women’s Cell to organize a talk and Workshop Session on “Coping with Stress and Anxiety: Self Care and Mental Wellbeing” on May 10, 2024