NO. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number
1 Microstructural analysis, optical and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni doped Dy2O3 Nupur Bhakta, A. Das, D. Das, K. Yoshimura, A. Bajorek, P.K. Chakrabarti Physics Materials Chemistry and Physics 2019 1879-3312
2 XRD analysis, Raman, AC conductivity and dielectric properties of Co and Mn co-doped SnO2 nanoparticles Nupur Bhakta, P. K. Chakrabarti Physics Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 2019 1432-0630
3 Particle Shape Induced Correlation Effect in Random Deposition in 1+1 Dimension and Related Effect in Ballistic Deposition Sudeep Kumar Das, Diptonil Banerjee, Jitendra Nath Roy Physics Surface Review and Letters 2020 0218-625X (print)
4 The inflationary scenario in the f(R) gravity model with a R4 term Sahazada Aziz, Sohan Kumar Jha and Anisur Rahaman Physics Classical and Quantum Gravity 2021 1361-6382
5 Current relaxation in the Random Resistor cum Tunneling Network Model through First-Passage route : Regimes and Time-scales Somnath Bhattacharya Physics Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2021 0378-4371
6 Exact Solution of a class of unique-nonlinear evolution equations Swapan Kr. Ghosh Physics Science and Culture 2021 0036-8156
7 Book Review: N. R. Sen: Life and Science Swapan Kr. Ghosh Physics Science and Culture 2021 0036-8156
8 Rietveld analysis, enhanced magnetic, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Gd3+ and Ti4+ co-doped LaFeO3 multiferroic Nupur Bhakta, A.Mitra, A.Mallick, S.Sadhukhan, A.Bajorek, P.K.Chakrabarti Physics Materials Science and Engineering: B 2021 0921-5107
9 The inflationary scenario in the f (R) gravity model with a R 4 term Sahazada Aziz, Sohan Kumar Jha, Anisur Rahaman Physics Classical and Quantum Gravity 2021 1361-6382
10 Investigation of magneto-electric properties of La0.85Nd0.15Fe0.9Ti0.1O3 Nupur Bhakta, Sukhendu Sadhukhan, Chandi Charan Dey, Ayan Mitra, Pabitra K. Chakrabarti Physics Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2022 0304-8853
11 Strong modulation effects on magnetoelectric behavior of Co-ferrite nanoparticles incorporated in ZnO medium in nano-regime synthesized in chemical routes Sukhendu Sadhukhan, Abhik S. Mahapatra, Ayan Mitra, Nupur Bhakta, Souvick Das, Ayan Mallick, Anupam Banerjee, Souvik Chatterjee, J. M. Greneche & Pabitra K. Chakrabarti Physics Applied Physics A (Materials Science & Processing) 2022 1432-0630
12 Impact of the generalized uncertainty principle on the thermodynamic characteristics of Schwarzschild black hole veiled with quintessence matter Himangshu Barman, Sohan Kumar Jha,  Anisur Rahaman Physics The European Physical Journal Plus 2022 2190-5444
13 Superradiance scattering off Kerr-like black hole and its shadow in the bumblebee gravity with noncommutative spacetime Sohan Kumar Jha, Anisur Rahaman Physics The European Physical Journal C 2022 1434-6052
14 A precisely feasible gauged model of chiral boson with its BRST cohomological perspectives Anisur Rahaman Physics The European Physical Journal C 2022 1434-6052
15 Kerr–Sen-like Lorentz violating black holes and superradiance phenomena Sohan Kumar Jha & Anisur Rahaman Physics The European Physical Journal C 2022 1434-6052
16 On the indistinguishability of chiral QED with parameter-free Faddeevian anomaly and QED under a chiral constraint Anisur Rahaman Physics Modern Physics Letters A 2022 1793-6632
17 Study of Einstein-bumblebee gravity with Kerr-Sen-like solution in the presence of a dispersive medium Sohan Kumar Jha, Sahazada Aziz & Anisur Rahaman Physics The European Physical Journal C 2022 1434-6052
18 Ring Oscillators Under Nonlinear Coupling: Bifurcation and Chaos Hrishikesh Mondal, Arghya Pathak, Tanmoy Banerjee, Mrinal Kanti Mandal Physics ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications 2023 1685-9545
19 Superradiant energy extraction from rotating hairy Horndeski black holes Sohan Kumar Jha, Mohsen Khodadi, Anisur Rahaman, and Ahmad Sheykhi Physics Physical Review D 2023 2470-0029
20 Sparse Compression-Based Image Encryption using Data Encryption Standards RC5 Arghya Pathak, Hrishikesh Mondal, Jayashree Karmakar, Subhashish Pal, Debasish Nandi, Mrinal Kanti Mandal Physics IETE Technical Review 2023  
21 A Novel Image Encryption Technique with Four Stage Bit-Interspersing and A 4D-Hyperchaotic System Subhashish Pal, Ansuman Mahanty, Arghya Pathak, Jayashree Karmakar, Hrishikesh Mondal, Mrinal Mandal Physics ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT) 2023  


No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/book chapters published Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number Name of the publisher
1 Dr. Swapan Kr. Ghosh A Brief Introduction to Soliton (Page No. 25-49)’ Title of Book: Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications 2020 978-81-944611-1-1 BOOK CENTRE, Auroma Market, Simantapally, Santiniketan-731235, India
2 Dr. Hrishikesh Mondal Title of Chapter: Colour Image Encryption Scheme Based on Combined Chaotic Maps (Page No. 50-69) Title of Book: Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications 2020 978-81-944611-1-1 BOOK CENTRE, Auroma Market, Simantapally, Santiniketan-731235, India
3 Sudeep Kumar Das Title of Chapter: A Technical Review on Scaling Exponents for Discrete Surface Growth Models in 2+1 Dimension (Page No. 132-140); Title of Book: Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications 2020 978-81-944611-1-1 BOOK CENTRE, Auroma Market, Simantapally, Santiniketan-731235, India
4 Dr. Hrishikesh Mondal Title of Chapter: Image Encryption Scheme Using Chaotic Ring Oscillator (Page No. 249-259) 2020 ISBN:978-981-15-2854-5 (Online) ISBN: 978-981-15-2853-8 (Print) Springer Nature Singapore Private Ltd
5 Dr. Hrishikesh Mondal Review on the Image Encryption with Hyper-Chaotic Systems Check for updates; Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of 5th ICSCSP 2022 2023 eBook ISBN978-981-19-8669-7, Series ISSN2190-3018 Springer Singapore


  • Collaboration with Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Visiting Associateship for faculty member of Durgapur Government College) (Dr. Anisur Rahaman)
  • Research Collaboration with The University of Burdwan; jointly published research articles in SCI (Web of Science)and SCOPUS indexed journals (Dr. Nupur Bhakta)



  • Anisur Rahaman, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physics
  • Nuclear Physics B (Elsevier)
  • European journal of physics C (Springer)
  • International Journal of Theoretical Physics (Springer)
  • International Journal of Modern Physics
  • Canadian Journal of Physics


  • Nupur Bhakta, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
  • Journal of Alloys and Compounds(Elsevier)