“Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
[Constituted in accordance to UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations 2023]

The previously known “Grievance Redressal Cell” in any college in India is nowadays called the ” Student’s Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC)” by virtue of the UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations 2023. That the scope of work of this body in a college has been changed significantly is apparent from this new designation. The details in this regard can be found in the UGC website.


Our college also has a link under “Useful Links” to the UGC Website. The SGRC takes proper note of genuine grievances (in fields specified in the said UGC Regulations, 2023) communicated by the concerned students (including existing students, immediate past students and also the admission-seeking potential students of the college) and redress such grievances in the most appropriate, efficient and rational manner possible.

This college continues to progress in its desired path, as it believes that: a genuinely peaceful, rational and non-exploitative environment is a basic requirement for fulfilling the societal commitment of any higher education institution (HEI) in the country. The CSGRC of Durgapur Government College works dedicatedly keeping this philosophy in mind. The grievances of students are to be communicated preferably by letter (paper copy) and/or email. It is to be noted that this college has put in place:

(i) The “SAMADHAM” Letter Box (for submission of students’ grievances in conventional paper-copy letter). It has been placed at a very convenient spot, just to the left of the entry gate to the main administrative building of the college, which houses the Principal’s office and several other sections.

(ii) An email id (sgrc@durgapurgovtcollege.ac.in) for Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC). Any aggrieved student of this college can use this email id for communicating her/his grievance (s) through email.

It would be appreciated by the college authority if the aggrieved student/guardian communicated the grievance in multiple modes, as this would practically enhance the probability of the grievance being noted at the earliest by the authority.

Composition of the Committee (2023-2024)

  1. Snigdha Chandra (Associate Professor of Chemistry) -Chairperson
  2. Sri Subrata Ghosh (Associate Professor of Geology) -Member
  3. Sri Amitava Samanta (Associate Professor of Mathematics) -Member
  4. Sri Debasish Maitra (Associate Professor of Commerce) -Member
  5. Swapan Kumar Ghosh (Associate Professor of Physics)- Member
  6. Pathikrit Pal (Student Representative)- Special Invitee