In addition to the traditional chalk and talk method and power-point presentations, the department uses various teaching modes where simultaneous presence of students and teachers are not necessary. Knowledge is distributed in an assembled manner through an online platform and received by the students on the same platform within a stipulated time. Online Discussion Forums and Social Media Applications are used to clear the doubts of the students. Evaluation process is same as the synchronized methods, however, in this case the evaluation can be embedded in any teaching module. Following are the tools used by the faculties of Conservation Biology to take up asynchronized classes: –

Software applications such as Google Classroom and gnomio.com (MOODLE Platform) are being used for the department (https://conbiolab.gnomio.com) and personal faculty (https://tapajit.gnomio.com/). Each topic is taught using the four-quadrant concept of MOODLE such as video content, reading materials (PDF or Word Documents or PowerPoint Presentations etc.), evaluation (multiple choice or descriptive type) and discussion. Video contents without the teacher are often prepared by the teacher himself (whenever appropriate, clear and noncopyrighted videos are not available on the concerned topic) using recording software such as FREECAM or SCREENCASTIFY and uploaded as YouTube video. A fresh you tube channel of the Department is created where different lectures of the faculty as well as the video recordings of the Webinars/Workshops organized by the Department. In some cases, using the PRESENTATIONTUBE software, the teacher portrayed himself as a part of the video lecture and uploaded as YouTube video. The students are invited through e-mail and each of them are provided with a personal account


Mentoring Report