Goals Associated With the Strategic Plan Status of Deployment of the Goals Associated With the Strategic Plan in Academic Session
STG 1. To obtain the institutional accreditation by periodic review and
Regular submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) AQAR of the previous academic session 2022-2023 was submitted within the prescribed time
frame and accepted by NAAC.







Regular meetings of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Two IQAC meetings were held during the academic session 2023-2024 and important issues as
follows were discussed and resolved regarding:

1.       Imparting of value added courses/add on courses from the academic
session 2023-24

2.       Regular Academic Audit by the IQAC and suggestions for improvemnt
given to the departments for further improvement

3.       Feedback on curriculum and Student Satisfaction Survey conducted
online and analysis forwarded to the affiliating university

4.       Further improvement in the use of ICT tools to strengthen the
teaching-learning mechanism of the institution

5.       The strengthening of the teaching-learning mechanism of the
institution through digital library knimbus will be implemented and student awards for top user of
the digital library institution  will be given to encourage students

6.       Several quality assurance events conducted by IQAC in association
with cells, departments and units of the institution

7.       Collaboration and MOUs with institutes and NGOs

8.       Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)  to
provide necessary assistance for start ups and the Institution’s Innovation Council established in
line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Government of India

9.       DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME mentoring sessions for other colleges

10.    Establishment of Women’s Cell

11.    Constitution of the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) Club
under Digital India Mission and conduct activities for the stakeholders





Effective Implementation of the Quality Assurance strategies of IQAC such
as feedback analysis, action taken report, organization of events in collaboration with different
departments, reforms in the teaching, learning and evaluation process

1.       Feedback on the curricular aspects was collected
from students, faculty members, employers and alumni.

2.       Feedback received from students, faculty members
and alumni was analyzed by the IQAC, uploaded in the college website

3.       Action taken report uploaded in the college

4.       Feedback from the employers on curricular aspects
was collected and analyzed
                                                                                     by the Career
Counselling and Placement Cell

5.       Formal MOUs and Collaboration agreement signed
with institutes and NGOs during the academic session 2023-24

6.       Use of ICT enabled tools for teaching and
learning process, a robust internal assessment mechanism and multiple modes of internal assessment
processes were adopted to assess the learning levels and attainment of the

learning outcomes.

STG 2. Strengthening the student-centric teaching and learning





Adopting conventional and non- conventional methods of assessing the learning levels of students and
address accordingly

Multiple ways adopted to assess learning levels:
(1) written and oral tests, (2) projects, short dissertations
(3) Power point presentations (4) formal and informal feedback
taken by departments on teaching learning processes, (5) obtaining background
information about the student and family to understand whether any economic, cultural, physical
health and, emotional issues are directly or indirectly impacting her/his academic performance
(6)Mentor-Mentee interaction (7) Learning Goal Rubric (8)
Interactive Programs (9) Parent-Teacher Meetings

Multiple activities conducted for slow learners
(1) Tutorials (2) Extra lectures

(3) Remedial and make up classes (4)
Special notes and self learning materials (5) Mock examinations
(6) Counselling by mentors (7) Problem solving classes
Multiple activities conducted for advanced learners (1) Quiz Competitions
and brain storming sessions (2) Group discussions (3) Guidance by
mentors (4)

Advanced reference materials (5) Mock examinations
(6) Use of advanced software

Flipped Classrooms, Role Play, Use of Quizzes, Models, Animations for teaching

Departments use animations to demonstrate topics,
quizzes are asked while teaching, quiz competitions are also
organized, software to improve the soft skills and sometimes students are told to
play the role of teacher to assess their

subject understanding, communication and presentation skills

Presentation by students in student seminars Student seminars were organized by different
departments during academic session 2023-2024 and report enclosed in metric 2.2.1
Use of Learning Management System (LMS) MOODLE for group discussions, E-content uploading

and assessments

MOODLE used to upload courses prepared by faculty
members. Students can log in to the courses are download E-content, they can also submit assignments and
also group discussions were held using the LMS
Implementation of E-content portal for access to open educational resources Subscription of Knimbus Digital Library was
implemented during the academic session 2023-24. Faculty members prepared e-contents and uploaded the
same for access in the Digital Library for students.

Effective Mentoring system to individually address the problems faced by the students

All students have been assigned mentors who always
sincerely address the issues of the respective mentees, encourage them to participate in events ,
also address their problems in addition to their academic issues. the mentor-

mentee list is communicated by departments to the IQAC, which is reviewed
by the IQAC from time to time in each academic session.


Upgradation of the central and seminar libraries

Institution received funds for Digitization of the Library from
the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. Presently, the digitization is in
process. The institution also procured subscription of Springer (3 subject collection), e-journals for 3
STG 3. Implementation of the teaching-learning process through practical
training and experiential learning
Field visits

1.       November 23-26, 2023

DAM, BIRBHUM; Organizing Department: Conservation Biology

2.       December 15, 2023

Conservation Biology

3.       December 2023

Field Training in areas such as the Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex around
Maithon and the Gondwana rocks of Jitpur; Organizing Department: Geology

4.       May 16-17, 2024

Field training for B.Sc. students in and around Jitpur, Paschim Bardhaman
and Biharinath, Bankura; Organizing Department: Geology

Designing of open- ended experiments, new experiments and hands on experiments and student

During the academic session 2023-24, following new experiments,  hands on
experiments and student projects were conducted by Departments under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

1.       Botany New Experiment on ” Endospore Staining” under DBT STAR
COLLEGE SCHEME     25-08-2023

2.       Botany New Experiment on ” Study of Mitotic Chromosomes of Allium
Cepa” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME             25-08-2023

3.       Botany New Experiment on “Plastidal Pigment Separation by TLC”
under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME  07-09-2023

4.       Botany and Zoology; New Experiment on ” Gram Staining of Bacteria
under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME ” March 2024

5.       College Campus Environmental Sub-Committee in association with
Department of Botany, Conservation Biology, Zoology and IQAC; Hands-on training on Nature Walk on
‘Backyard Biodiversity: Click while you Walk’                06-05-2024

6.       Chemistry  New Experiment on “To estimate the amount of glucose
present in commercial pack” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; August 2023

7.       Chemistry New Experiment on ” Estimation of Vitamin C in fruits
and vegetables” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; April 2024

8.       Chemistry New Experiment on ” Estimation of Glycine using 
Sorensen formol titration ” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; November 2023

9.       Chemistry New Experiment on ” Isolation of Essential oil
(eucalyptus oil) by Steam Distillation Method” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; April 2024

10.    Chemistry New Experiment on ” Detection of Cane Sugar, Starch and
Ammonium compounds in milk” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME, April 2024

11.    Physics, Mathematics and Geology Hands on training on “Digital Image
Processing: An overview” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 26-09-2023

12.    Physics and Geology Hands on training on ” Resistivity meter Logging
in Ground Water Exploration” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 27-09-2023

13.    Physics       New Experiment on Determination of Planck’s constant
using photo-electric effect” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 29-11-2023

14.    Physics       New Experiment on To find an unknown capacitance using
De’ Sauty’s AC bridge under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 07-12-2023

15.    Physics       New Experiment on To verify the Malus Law for Plane
Polarized light under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME  ; 06-03-2024

16.    Physics       New Experiment on “Photo-electric Effect: photo
current versus intensity” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 03-01-2024

17.    Student Project on “Bioactivity of organic compounds by
computational studies” (Organizing Departments: Chemistry, Botany and Zoology) (2023-24) under DBT

18.    Student Project on Vegetation Mapping organized by Department of
Botany and Geology under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME (2023-24)

19.    Student Project on “Screening of some plant species for
antiproliferative activity based on basic bench top assays ” (Organizing Department: Zoology)

20.    Student Project on “Graphical representation and Interpretation of
Data of Height/Weight of a sample of 100 Humans in Relation to their Age and Sex” (Organizing
Department: Zoology) (2023-24)UNDER DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

21.    Student Project on “A Field Report on Study of Nests and Nesting
Habits of the Birds”(Organizing Department: Zoology) (2023-24)UNDER DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

Visits to research laboratories to facilitate expert interaction and exposure of students
towards instrumentation

1.      September 08, 2023: Research Laboratory Visit to CSIR-Central
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur: Organizing Department: Physics and
Chemistry ; under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

2.      February 23, 2024, Laboratory Visit to Department of Environmental
Science, The University of Burdwan; Organizing Department: Conservation Biology

Industrial training conducted by the departments “Rural and Industrial Visit” to Cottage Industry at  Santiniketan,
Bolpur organized under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME on 25.08.2023
Workshops conducted by departments

1.      Herbarium techniques of Angiosperms and Modern Protocols for
Pteridophytic Germplasm Identification and Conservation under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME  31-08-2023

2.      Two Day Workshop on Restricted mapping of Plasmid DNA under DBT
STAR COLLEGE SCHEME  28-08-2023 and 29-08-2023

3.      Two Day Workshop and Student Project on Vegetation Mapping under
DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME       08-08-2023 and 10-08-2023

4.      Webinar cum Workshop on “PCR and techniques in Designing Primer for
UG Students”  organized by Department of Botany under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME     09-05-2024

5.      Workshop on “Collection and Preservation of pteridophytic
germplasm”  (24-02-2024) organized by Department of Botany under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME    

6.      Workshop on “Calibration and basic applications of Water Analyzer”
under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME             01-09-2023

7.      Seminar cum workshop on “Nanotechnology for Sustainable
Development: Clean Energy and Environment” and “Elementary Concepts of Solid State Chemistry”
organized by Department of Chemistry under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME 22-09-2023

8.      Two day Workshop on “Bioactivity through Computation” under DBT
STAR COLLEGE SCHEME  27-03-2024 and 28-03-2024

9.      Workshop on “MATLAB: An introduction to beginners” under DBT STAR

10.   Workshop on “Basics of MATHEMATICA and Graphical demonstration using
Mathematica” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME 16-08-2023

11.   Workshop on “First Step in Mathematica” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

12.   Workshop on “Basics of LATEX” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME ;

13.   Online Workshop on ” Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for
Mineral Exploration ” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME        13-03-2024 and 14-03-2024

14.   Online Workshop on “Statistical Methods and Computer Applications in
Natural Sciences” organized by Department of Geology under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME under DBT STAR
COLLEGE SCHEME; 16-03-2024 and 17-03-2024

15.   Workshop on ” Haemoglobin Estimation from Human Blood Sample “;

16.   One Day Workshop on R-Statistical Software: Basic Knowledge;

STG 4. Conducting events to promote the creativity, subject knowledge,
research fundamental, communication and writing skills based and interactive learning
Conducting events on recent trends and developments across various


1.       Online Seminar on Introduction to Biostatistics with emphasis on
machine learning and Hands on Training on Origin under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 08-09-2023

2.       Seminar on Aspects of Biogeochemistry under DBT STAR COLLEGE
SCHEME ; 17-08-2023

3.       Seminar cum interactive session on Indian Knowledge System on
“Ethnomedicine: Relevance to Modern World” ; 18-05-2024

4.       Seminar on “Punthi Pathaker Smritikatha”; 31-01-2024

5.       Seminar Lecture and Workshop on Translation; 10-02-2024

6.       One Day seminar on “Bangla Sahityer Itihaser Itihas”; 27-02-2024

7.       Invited lecture on Limit of functions under DBT STAR COLLEGE

8.       Invited lecture on Diversification patterns of Phanerozoic Marine
Invertebrates under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME;25-05-2024

9.       Invited lecture on Foraminifera as Sea Level Indicators under DBT

10.    Invited lecture on A Journey into Quantum land under DBT STAR
COLLEGE SCHEME; 23-05-2024

11.    Invited lecture on Application of Foraminifera in
Palaeoenvironmental & Palaeoclimatic Analysis under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 22-05-2024

12.    Invited lecture on Visualizing DNA in action: A Multidisciplinary
research methodology approach under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 20-05-2024

13.    Invited lecture on Modern Techniques of Molecular Biology and Plant
Biotechnology for UG Students under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 07-05-2024

14.    Invited lecture on Differential Equations under DBT STAR COLLEGE
SCHEME; 04-05-2024

15.    Invited lecture on Economic Growth, Climate Change and Sustainable
Development: Understanding the Conundrum                ; 20-04-2024

16.    Invited lecture on Demographic Dividend in India: Is it a
“Demographic Gift” or a “Demographic Burden”; 27-04-2024

17.    Invited lecture on Mapping of Rene Descartes’ Philosophical ideas as
a Rationalist Philosopher; 09-04-2024

18.    Invited lecture on Understanding Heritage and its Conservation;

19.    Invited lecture on Essentials of Tagore’s concept of Holistic
Education; 02-04-2024

20.    Invited lecture on Politics and Culture: Interface and Divergence;

21.    Invited lecture on “Analysing Derek Walcott’s Omeors in the light of
Growth of Caribbean Poetry.”; 20-01-2024

22.    Invited lecture on Indian Writing in English; 16-01-2024

23.    Invited lecture on Asymmetric Synthesis: Past, Present and Future
under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME;                16-12-2023

24.    Invited lecture  series on Wildlife Management, Bioinformatics and
Ecological Modelling; Nov-23

25.    Invited lecture on Effect of Climatic Amelioration on Environment,
Biodiversity and Future of Biosphere under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 26-09-2023

26.    Invited lecture on Some Zero-sum problems and elementary results in
Additive Combinatorics under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME; 11-09-2023

Conducting events on research methodology and intellectual property rights

May 24, 2024

·        Invited lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights in Indian
Scenario” under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME (Intellectual Property Rights)

May 20,2024

·        Invited lecture and interactive Session Series on “Visualizing DNA
in action: A Multidisciplinary research methodology approach” under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME
(Research Methodology)

May 07, 2024

·        One Day Invited Lecture on Modern Techniques of Molecular Biology
and Plant Biotechnology for UG Students organized by Department of Botany under DBT STAR COLLEGE
SCHEME (Research Methodology)

STG 5. Improvement in the research output





Applying to the university for approval to offer PhD programmes

·         The institution houses three research centers offering Ph.D.
programmes in Chemistry, Conservation Biology and Applied Geology

·         Presently, 26 research scholars are enrolled/registered for Ph.D.
programme in Conservation Biology and Chemistry under the guidance of eight faculty members
recognized as research guides under the affiliation of Kazi Nazrul University

·         Two full time research scholars receive scholarship under the UGC
Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Single Girl Child Scholarship (One from Department of Chemistry and one
from Department of Conservation Biology)

·         Five research scholars are receiving Swami Vivekananda Merit cum
Means Scholarship offered by Government of West Bengal for pursuing Ph.D. programme

·         Providing space and equipment facilities for research activities

·         Providing all sorts of administrative support to conduct research

·         Encouraging faculty members to apply for research projects

·         Providing computational facilities for research activities

·         Strengthening the campus internet facilities

·         The institution received funding for procurement of scientific
equipment of Departments of Botany, Chemistry, Conservation Biology, Geology, Physics and Zoology,
which has been approved by the Government of West Bengal.

·         Coordinator, IQAC and IQAC members always help faculty members to
address the queries related to their research publications and book chapters in journals

·          Faculty members regularly apply to funding agencies for research
projects and are given all sorts of administrative support for the same. Presently, there are two
ongoing major research projects funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of

·         Computational software such as Mathematica, Matlab , Arc GIS
software were purchased during the academic session under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME. Computers and
Printers were procured under the DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

·         The institution received funding from Department of Higher
Education, Government of West Bengal for purchase of computers, printers, LCD Projectors, scanners.

STG 6. Enhancing collaboration with other institutes and
Promoting research collaborations in terms of joint publications, research projects, PhD
Guidance etc

1.       Collaborative Research Work on “Computational Chemistry Research
based on Conceptual Density Functional Theory studies od Chemical reactions with special focus on
the applications of Molecular electron Density Theory”  Department of Chemistry, with University of
Zakho, Iraq;

2.       Collaborative Research Work on “Computational Chemistry Research
with special focus on the applications of Molecular Electron Density Theory Research to different
chemical systems”     with Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taroudant, Ibn Zohr University, Hay El
Mohammadi (Lastah), BP. 271, 83000, Taroudant, Morocco

3.       Collaborative Research Work on “To study the behavior of
experimental and theoretical study of some nanocrystalline and multiferroics prepared by chemical
and solid state route” with The University of Burdwan, Department of Physics, Burdwan, West Bengal

4.       Collaborative Research Work on “Molecular Electron Density Theory”
with Molecular Electron Density Theory Group ( Group Head-Prof. Luis R. Domingo), University of
Valencia, Spain

5.       Collaborative Research Work  on “Computational Chemistry Research
to apply software applications for analyzing chemical systems and their Reactions” with Molecular
Modelling and Spectroscopy Team MMST,University Chouaib Doukkali, El Jadida,  Faculty of Science,

6.       Collaborative Research Work on “Some combinatorial optimization
problems and its applications using approximate algorithms”          with Department of Industrial
 Engineering, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey

7.       Collaborative Research Work on “Molecular Dynamics Studies” with
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi

8.       Research collaboration       with Museo Argentino de Ciencias
Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” · Sección Paleontología de Vertebrados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Collaborator—Dr. Martin D. Ezcurra)

9.       Research collaboration       with Geological Studies Unit, Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (Collaborators—Profs. Saswati Bandyopadhyay and Dhurjati P.




Promoting collaborative student exchange and faculty exchange programmes


1.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with Moyna
College, Village-Anandapur, District-Purba Medinipur, West Bengal

2.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with
Bankura Christian College, Bankura, West Bengal

3.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with New
Alipore College, New Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal-700053

4.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with Katwa
College, P.O. + P.S.-Katwa, District-Purba Bardhaman, Pin-713130, West Bengal

5.       Faculty Exchange Collaboration (Guidance of Serampore College,
Hooghly, West Bengal

6.       National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani for
Student Visit and Science Setu lectures

7.       Internship completed by students of Applied Geology Department,
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad)under the supervision of faculty
member of Durgapur Government College

8.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with
Durgapur Women’s College, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Durgapur, Paschim Bardhaman, Pin Code-713209

9.       MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student
exchange, knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with
Gushkara Mahavidyalaya, a reputed academic higher education institution located at Gushkara, Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal-713218

10.   MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student exchange,
knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with Kanchrapara
College, a reputed academic higher education institution located at 1, Siraj Mondal Road,
Kanchrapara, North 24 Parganas, Pin-743145

11.   MOU (academic collaboration) for faculty exchange, student exchange,
knowledge sharing and resource sharing and other academic activities and events with Estuarine and
Coastal Studies Foundation, a non profit organization registsred with NITI Aayog, Government of
India located at 10/5 Amrita Pyne Lane, Howrah, West Bengal, India, Pin-711101

STG 7. Strengthening the support services and campus facilities


Providing the proper platforms to students to convey their grievances and
problems faced in the institution

The Internal Complaints Committee has UG, PG and Research
Scholar student representatives; Anti Ragging Committee and Squad
also involves student and parent representatives. Grievances can also be registered through
the Grievance Redressal Cell; students can communicate their problems to
departments as well as the Head of the Institution by email, written application or verbally. The
Student welfare and psychological counselling cell, Equal opportunity Cell,
Committee to cater to the needs of the Differently-abled also works to address

the issues faced by students. Regular Awareness programmes are also
organized by these cells and committees.

Effective mechanism for verification and processing of
scholarship applications
Notices are issued to inform the students about the opening of
scholarship portals; the scholarship applications are processed without delay and submitted to the
competent authority.

Effective implementation of welfare schemes for the teaching and
non-teaching staff

The West Bengal Health Scheme Applications and Reimbursement procedure is
implemented immediately as and when the applications are received from the teaching and non-teaching
staff. A committee is constituted for effective implementation. Teaching and non-teaching staff also
receive the benefit of residential quarters in the college campus and all government schemes such as
GPF, GISS, Pension, Gratuity, Pension etc. The applications of retired employees are forwarded and
sent to the State

Government for processes at least 8 months before superannuation.



Actively working anti ragging committee and anti ragging squad for
implementation of zero tolerance policy for ragging

1.        Anti ragging committee and anti ragging squad constituted in
accordance to the UGC Guidelines

2.        Major awareness programme was organized by the anti ragging
committee and anti ragging squad

3.        Posters and banners are made available in the college campus for
implementation of zero tolerance policy for ragging

4.        Circulation of a comprehensive ppt presentation to students has
also been planned in the next academic session





Psychological counselling and effective mentoring to address the
student issues

1.       One-day survey and training program on “Mental Wellbeing of
College Students”

2.       Demonstration and Interactive Session on “Addressing Health
Issues: Transformative Benefits of Yoga” organized by Women Cell, Durgapur Government College (Yoga)

3.       Talk and workshop session on “Coping with Stress and Anxiety: Self
Care and Mental Well Being” (Mental Health)

4.       Online awareness sessions on “Health and Hygiene”  in association
with Global Hunt Foundation (Health and Hygiene)


Providing ample space and equipment for sports and cultural

1.        Four playgrounds are presently available in the institution for
football, volleyball, basketball and badminton

2.        The institution also has a gymnasium

3.        Two auditoriums are also available for cultural activities along
with an open stage facility

4.        Proposals are being prepared presently to ensure further
improvement of these facilities

Providing Gender Equity

·        ICC conducted an offline programme for building awareness among
the students and staff on Prevention (Prohibition & Redressal) of Sexual Harassement of Women at
Workplace (PoSH) Act, 2013

·        Women’s Cell conducted Gender Audit under the guidance of External

·        Annual Newsletter ‘Adwitiya’ published by the Women’s Cell is a
stepping stone to sensitize all stakeholders of the institution to develop an open and spontaneous
acknowledgement and appreciation for women’s involvement in multifarious activities.

·        Women’s cell organized participation of girl students at youth
convention organized by Swami Vivekananda Vani Prachar Samity at Shilpangan, Durgapur on 04.04.2024

·        Women’s cell organized a talk and workshop session on “Coping With
Stress And Anxiety: Self Care And Mental Wellbeing”

·        Women’s cell organized demonstration and interactive session on
Addressing Health Issues: Transformative Benefits of Yoga; Topic of the Discussion: Stress
Management, Pain Management and PCOD

STG 8. Career Counselling of students for promotion to higher studies
and job opportunities and Entrepreneurship


Organization of department specific career counselling sessions for
students to make them aware of the higher studies and job opportunities

1.       Workshop on Preparation for Civil Service Examination organized by
Higher Education Department; hosted by Durgapur Government College; 26.8.2023

2.       Toppers Interaction on “How to Score More” organized by Department
of Conservation Biology, Durgapur Government College on 02-02-2024

3.       Alumni lecture on “Road Map to crack Competitive Examinations”
organized by Department of Conservation Biology, Durgapur Government College on 01-04-2024

4.       Toppers’ Talk on ‘How to be Examination Ready?’ organized by
Department of Philosophy, Durgapur Government College on 05-04-2024

5.       Participation of students in RICE TALENT SCHOLARSHIP TEST

6.       Career Counseling session for Graduating and Graduate students of
Durgapur Government College on 4.09. 2023.  The session was jointly organized by The Career
Counseling and Placement Cell; Durgapur Government College in association with NSHM, Knowledge
Campus; Durgapur

7.       Career  Counselling session on ‘What next after
graduation?'(Professional Masters course with Internship and International Placement on 23-04-2024

8.       Elocution Contest organized by Department of English in
collaboration with the IQAC to commemorate the National Shakespeare’s Day (Communication Skills)

9.       One Day State Level Seminar on, ‘Practical Sessions: Group
Discussion and Personal Interview’ organized by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell (Soft
Skills, Communication Skills)

10.   Orientation programme on the fundamentals and processes of Computer
Training Programme and Communicative English Training (ICT/Computing skills)

11.   Seminar-Lecture and workshop on Translation organized by Equal
Opportunity Cell, in collaboration with Departments of Bengali and English, Durgapur Government

Organization of campus interviews

for job aspiring students

Government College

·         Recruitment of Fresher’s, B.Com Passout by jai Balaji Industries
Ltd; Total selected: 17

PROGRAMS; B.A/B.SC/B.COM); 21.5.2024, Selected 28 students

PROGRAMS; B.A/B.SC/B.COM); 27.5.2024. Selected 83 students as trainees out of total 135

Entrepreneurship development

·         March 14, 2024

Entrepreneurship Development program organized by Entrepreneurship
Development Cell in collaboration with Department of Commerce

·         May 04, 2024

Lecture 1: “Rising from Adversity: Navigating the transformed business
landscape in India in the Aftermath of COVID-19” as the part of “The Entrepreneurship Lecture
Series” organized as a Collaborative initiative of  Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Durgapur
Government College with the Department of Commerce, Durgapur Government College

·         May 06, 2024

Lecture 2: “Green Business: A way towards Sustainability- An Indian
Experience”  as the part of The Entrepreneurship Lecture Series” through online mode organized as a
Collaborative initiative of Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Durgapur Government College with the
Department of Commerce, Durgapur Government College

·         May 07, 2024

Lecture 3: “Can Start ups be an answer to Sustainable Development: An
overview” as a part of “The Entrepreneurship Lecture Series” organized as a Collaborative initiative
of  Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Durgapur Government College with the Department of Commerce,
Durgapur Government College

·         May 09, 2024

Lecture 4: “Challenges and Prospects of Start Ups in India” as the part of
“The Entrepreneurship Lecture Series” through online mode organized as a Collaborative  initiative
of Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Durgapur Government College with the Department of Commerce,
Durgapur  Government College

·         May 10, 2021

Lecture 5: “Social entrepreneurship as a tool for sustainable development
in India” as the part of “The Entrepreneurship Lecture Series” through online mode organized as a
Collaborative initiative of Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Durgapur Government College with the
Department of Commerce, Durgapur Government College

·         May 29, 2024

Webinar on “Entrepreneurship Development” organized by DGC PRAKTONI, Alumni
Association of Durgapur Government College

STG 9. Implementation of E-Governance
Use of online portal for admission The UG admission process is completely online implemented by the
College and PG admission is also completely online implemented by the University
Use of online portals for data storage

Banglar Uchchasiksha   portal   (for 
 regular   data uploading   and   storage   of

Employee details, Infrastructure details, financial allotment details
and college statistics)

Use of online portal for receiving feedback from the stakeholders Management Information System (MIS)
Portal of the College for online submission of feedback of stakeholders with
separate login

Use of online portal for all service related matters

West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
portal for leave applications, service book, submission of self appraisal
report of employees, downloading of Pay slips, Submission of HRA declaration, Application for
Loans and

all other service related matters


Use of online portal for scholarship application and processing

The institution has registered to different central government
scholarship portals, UGC scholarship portal, CSIR scholarship portal, West Bengal Swami
Vivekananda Merit Cum Means (SVMCM) Scholarship Portal, Kanyashree Portal, West Bengal
Minority Development Corporation Portal
to implement the

submission and processing of Scholarship applications of students
without delay.

Use of online portal for all finance and tender related activities

West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
portal for all finance and tender activities. the institution is also
registered to the Public Finance

management System (PFMS) portal and
implemented the modules.

Receiving grievances and problems faced by students through online
mode to facilitate redressal without delay

Each Department has separate email ids to address all departmental
activities and problems faced by students. Each support service such as Anti ragging Committee,
Internal Complaint Committee, Grievance Redressal Cell, Equal Opportunity Cell, Health and Hygiene
advisory sub-committee, Student Welfare and Psychological

Counselling Cell have email ids to address the related issues.

STG 10. Holistic development of students through active participation in
extension related, sports and cultural and environmental awareness activities

Providing facilities of playground, gymnasium and sports items to students
encouraging students to participate in sports events organized by the institute and also by other

1.       Four playgrounds are presently
available in the institution for football, volleyball, basketball and badminton;The institution also
has a gymnasium

2.        Two auditoriums are also available for cultural
along with an open stage facility

3.        Proposals sent to State Government to ensure further improvement
of these facilities

4.        Students received 13 awards in sports activities
during academic session 2023-2024 organized at the district/sub-divisional and university

Organizing cultural activities and encouraging students to
participate in events organized by other institutes
During the academic session 2023-24, several cultural activities
were organized, such as “Observance of Students’ Week” – Cultural Activities organized by Durgapur
Government College; International Mother Language Day (Bhasha Divas) Celebration; Interdepartmental
Alpona (Road Art) Competition ; Basanta Utsav, 2024; Rabindra Jayanti Celebration; Nazrul Jayanti

Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate

in sports and cultural competitions

1.        Teachers prepared the students to participate in the events
organized by other institutes

2.        Students are given rigorous training before participation in
sports activities




Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate in NCC activities

1.        Students are given rigorous training before participation in NCC

2.        NCC Cadets received 13 awards in this academic session

3.        NCC Cadets participated in several activities such as

·         Participation of cadets in Advance Leadership Camp, held in

·         Observation of environment day

·         Observation of Yoga Day

·         Observation of Kargil Vijay Diwas

·         Independence Day Celebration

·         Participation of Cadets in TGC-IGC , held at Kharagpur,West

·         Participation in presenting GOH to dignitaries of SNTCSSC, held
at Srijani Hall, Durgapur

·         Participation of cadets in Rajgir Trek Camp, held in Rajgir,Bihar

·         Participation of cadets in Sikkim Trek Camp, held in North Sikkim

·         NCC Day Celebration

·         Participation of Cadets in Sports Day

·         Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

·         Participation in Republic Day parade

·         Black Day Observation

·         Participation of cadets in Basic Snow Skiing Course, held in
Phelgam,Jammu and Kashmir

·         Participation of cadets in Army Attachment Camp,held in
Panagarh,West Benga

·         Participation of cadets in Road Art competition

·         CWS Best Cadet Competition and Scholarship

·         Participation of cadets in Basic Mountaineering Course from
Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

·         Participation of cadets in Basic Mountaineering Course from
Himalayan Mountaineering Institute



Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate in NSS activities

1.        Students are always encouraged on the concept of “Shramdan”

2.        There are two NSS Units started in 1970 and 2008

3.        NSS units organized and participated in several events as given

·         Celebration of World Environment Day

·         Tree plantation program to celebrate Aranya Soptaho

·         Fevicryl Teacher Training

·         Seven-day campus cleaning program

·         Voter Awareness Campaign

·         Rally to celebrate International Mother Language Day

·         One-day survey and training program on “Mental Wellbeing of
College Students

·         Survey of energy consumption for green audit in college campus
and residential quarters

·         A motivational talk and interactive session on “Towards a better

·         Youth Convention

·         Awareness lecture and interactive session  to observe World
Malaria Day

·         One Day outreach activity for local schools

·         Online Seminar on “Ill Effects of Consuming Tobacco and its
accompanying health hazards”

Following outreach activities were also conducted under DBT STAR COLLEGE

·  Outreach program on “Understanding the scientific facts underlying
common superstitious beliefs” at Bidhannagar Government Sponsored Boys’ High School under DBT STAR

·  Outreach Program Star Gazing Programme under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME

·  Outreach Activity on “Laboratory Equipment Training, Software
Applications and Lab Safety Measures in Geological and Chemical Laboratories” organized for Local