May 07-08, 2022
NAAC Sponsored State Level Workshop on Use of ICT enabled tools for Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions organized by IQAC

Conservation Biology:
Political Science:
February 01, 2023
One Day National Seminar on “Revised Accreditation Framework of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for Universities and Colleges organized in academic collaboration with NAAC, Bangalore

May 24, 2024: One day online workshop (through online mode) on “Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: NAAC A & A Process organized by the IQAC

February 20, 2024: Institutional Values and Best Practices: An Overview of the Criteria VII prescribed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) organized by IQAC and NAAC Committee

January 16, 2024: One Day Training Programme on Benchmarks for NAAC and Quality initiatives organized by IQAC and NAAC Committee

June 25, 2021
Online training programme on “Documentation and Data Template filling for the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) for non-teaching staff” organized by the IQAC
- Introduction of Add on Courses by Departments
- Departmental Academic Audit
- Mentor-Mentee Framework
- Online Feedback Collection on Curricular Aspects and Student Satisfaction Survey
- Establishment of Institution’s Innovation Council
- Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Cell
- Constitution of National Digital Library of India (NDLI) Club under Digital India Mission and conduct activities
- Establishment of Women’s Cell
- MOUs and Linkages with institutes, NGOs and other bodies to promote collaborative initiatives
- May 31, 2024: Online Seminar on “”ILL-EFFECTS OF CONSUMING TOBACCO AND ITS ACCOMPANYING HEALTH HAZARDS” organized by the NSS Units I and II and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Durgapur Government College and Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal on the occassion of No-Tobacco Day
- May 18, 2024: Seminar cum interactive session on Indian Knowledge System on “Ethnomedicine: Relevance to Modern World” organized by Department of Conservation Biology and IQAC
- May 06, 2024: Hands-on training on Nature Walk on ‘Backyard Biodiversity: Click while you Walk’ organized by College Campus Environmental Sub-Committee in association with Department of Botany, Conservation Biology, Zoology and IQAC
- May 02, 2024: Students’ Seminar organized by Department of English and IQAC, Durgapur Government College, in collaboration with Bankura Christian College
- April 23, 2024: Elocution Contest organized by Department of English in collaboration with the IQAC to commemorate the National Shakespeare’s Day
- April 22, 2024: Special Lecture on ‘Wildlife Conservation Issues in North East India: Dampa Tiger Reserve as a Case Study” to commemorate Earth day organized by Department of Conservation Biology in collaboration with IQAC and College Campus Environmental Sub-Committee
- April 09, 2024: One-day Hands on training on “Claws, Paws & Flora: An interactive Workshop on Wildlife Identification and Habitat Conservation” organized by Department of Conservation Biology and IQAC
- March 27, 2024: International seminar on “SURPRISING CONTINGENCIES AND RESORTING TO MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT ETC. BY MANY PEOPLE IN SOCIETY” organized by the IQAC and all Departments of Durgapur Government College
- March 19, 2024: Workshop on “R Statistical Software: Basic Knowledge” by Department of Conservation Biology and IQAC
- March 12, 2024: One day seminar about “Etymological Significance of Some Practical Words” organized by Department of Sanskrit in collaboration with IQAC
- February 20, 2024: World Pangolin Day- Online Quiz and Poster Making Competition organized by Department of Conservation Biology, and IQAC Durgapur Government College
- January 16, 2024: Invited Lecture on Indian Writing in English organized by Department of English and IQAC
- November 2023: Online Special Lecture Series on “Wildlife Management, Bioinformatics and Ecological Modelling” organized by Department of Conservation biology and IQAC
- May 23, 2023: One Day State Level Seminar cum awareness campaign on “Save the Pangolins” on the occasion of World Pangolin Day 2023 organized by Conservation Biology in collaboration with WINGS (Wildlife Information and Nature Guide Society)
- May 22, 2023: One Day National level Webinar cum Photography Competition on “Bring them back before there is none” to commemorate the International Day of Biological Diversity organized by Conservation Biology in collaboration with IQAC
- February 16, 2023: National Seminar on “Improvement in the State of Art Knowledge on Plant Sciences” organized by Department of Botany and IQAC UNDER DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME
- January 05, 2023: One Day State Level Seminar on “Conservation of Life in Land and Water” organized by Department of Conservation Biology in association with IQAC
- December 04, 2022: Special lecture on “Rasa” in the Natyashastra in collaboration with IQAC through online mode organzied by Department of English
- August 13 and August 20, 2022: Webinar 1 on “Frog Watching and Citizen Science” by Debayan Gayen on 13th August 2022; and Webinar 2 on “The story of the discovery of Bengal Tree Frog” on 20th August 2022 during the 2ND Big Frog Month 2022 West Bengal organized by IQAC, Department of Zoology and Conservation Biology
- June 24-25, 2022: Two Days National online webinar on “Botany Through Modern Perspectives: Algae to Angiosperms” organized by Department of Botany in collaboration with the IQAC
- May 22, 2022: National level Webinar cum Photography Competititon on Towards Sustainable Development: Connecting lives through interactions and lenses organized by Departments of Botany, Conservation Biology and Zoology in collaboration with the IQAC
- April 29, 2022: Webinar on Lights Out: A Close Reading organized by Department of English in collaboration with the IQAC
- December 10, 2021: Webinar on Brecht’s Life of Galileo organized by Department of English in collaboration with the IQAC
- December 09-10, 2021: Special lecture on Rabindranath Tagore: Some Philosophical Convictions organized by Department of Philosophy in collaboration with IQAC
- October 28, 2021: National Webinar on Crossing Number of Graphs organized by Department of Mathematics in collaboration with IQAC
- September 20, 2021: International Level Webinar on ‘Conventional and Advanced Air Sampling Techniques for Airborne Pathogens and Allergens’ organized by Department of Botany in Collaboration with IQAC
- September 04, 2021: State level Webinar on A glimpse at e-filing of ITR: Basics and beyond organized by Department of Commerce and Mathematics in Collaboration with the IQAC
- August 28-29, 2021: State Level Quiz Competition on Our Croaking Neighbours (All about Indian Amphibians” organized by IQAC, Department of Conservation Biology and Durgapur Wildlife Information and Nature Guide Society (WINGS)
- August 02, 2021: State level Webinar on 2019-nCoV and Intricacies of Indian Businesses organized by Department of Commerce in Collaboration with the IQAC
- July 31, 2021: Special E-Lecture on Fish Diversity and Conservation organized by Department of Conservation Biology and IQAC
- July 12, 2021: Webinar on Introducing Feminism organized by Department of English in collaboration with the IQAC
- July 07, 2021: National Webinar on Think Green Live Green organized by Department of Conservation Biology and IQAC
- July 04, 2021: Special Lecture on Tenets of Management in Vedas organized by Department of Sanskrit in collaboration with IQAC
- June 30, 2021: Special Lecture on “Postmodernism” organized by Department of English and IQAC
- June 28, 2021: Special Online Lecture on “Sexual and Textual Politics”Organized by Department of English and IQAC
- June 27, 2021: One Day State Level Webinar on “Thinking like the Empiricists Philosophers: locke and Hume” organized by Department of Philosophy and IQAC
- June 27, 2021: One Day State Level Webinar on “The making of a Managerial State: A treatise to the Genealogy of Contemporary Populism in India” organized by Department of Political Science and IQAC
- June 22, 2021: One Day State Level Webinar on “Political Thinking in Ancient Greece: From Sophists to the Stoics” organized by Department of Political Science and IQAC
- June 21, 2021: One Day State Level Online Training Program & Webinar on Yoga’ organized by Department of Bengali and NCC Unit
- June 05, 2021: One Day State Level Webinar on “Indian Democracy and Civil Society” organized by Department of Political Science and IQAC
- March 20, 2021: Special Lecture on “Puratotto o Bharater Puratattik Onusandhaner Bikash” organized by Department of History in collaboration with IQAC
- January 24, 2021: One Day State Level Webinar on “Ethics in Politics: Issues in Leadership and Governance in Democracies” organized by Department of Philosophy and Political Science in collaboration with IQAC
- January 16, 2021: Special Lecture on “Rasa in Natya Shastra: A Search for Meaning” organized by Department of English
- June 05, 2020: National level e-Poster Competition in COVID-19 Lockdown on “March towards better future with clean environment” on the occassion of World Environment Day organized by IQAC and Department of Conservation Biology and Durgapur Wildlife Information and Nature Guide Society (WINGS)