“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell, of Durgapur Government College, established on July 02, 2007, following the first cycle of assessment and accreditation of Durgapur Government College by the NAAC Peer Team in 2007, bridges the academic and administrative wings of the College, framing and implementing policies to ensure steady and sure steps to stay in sync with the demands of a fast-changing world in which the stakeholders move and work. This dynamic autonomous body pursues the ever-shifting threshold of excellence through continuous interaction with all the academic departments, the college administration, different units, cells, committees, the students and other stakeholders to oversee that all the wheels turn efficiently to help in the forward march of the college. It relies on feedback from all stakeholders to review and revise its policies as and when the need arises. It takes on its shoulders the onus of creating an ambience in college conducive to teaching-learning, research work and academic exchange, cohesion among various groups, smooth functioning of the college administration and rolling out activities involving stakeholders to spread awareness about gender, caste, environment and our culture besides ensuring the participation of members of the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, in faculty development and skill enhancement programmes.

The IQAC maintains a database relating to infrastructure, profile of students including the alumni, the performance of students in Internal and university examinations, the placement of students after their completion of study at the college level, the financial assistance required by students from economically-depressed background, academic achievements of faculty and achievements of students in curricular and extra-curricular activities. It ensures that the Academic Calendar for each academic session balances various types of activities contributing to holistic development of students. With a focus on inclusive education and encouragement of innovative teaching methods especially in a digital age, the IQAC is on its toes round the year to offer the best available infrastructure to its stakeholders.

The very composition of the body with the Head of the Institution as the Chairman, in-house and eminent members from outside college, industry experts and alumni reflects its responsibilities towards the beneficiaries at the institutional level and the society at large. The IQAC monitors both academic and administrative matters to initiate sure steps to a sustained level of excellence.

Durgapur Government College, having been assessed and accredited by the NAAC Peer Team for the second cycle in 2017, is focused on suggestions offered by the NAAC Peer Team to strive for excellence it is still capable of during the post-accreditation period. Hostels for girls and boys within the college premises, a prime requirement for outstation students, are already underway and the construction has been completed. New academic buildings to create more classrooms than those available now, classrooms with ICT facilities, well-equipped laboratories, and enhanced online library facilities are plans already in the pipeline. The maintaining and sustaining of excellence being the priority of the IQAC, it works in formal and informal ways to create a work-atmosphere beneficial for all.


Some of the significant contributions of IQAC:

  • Regular submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)
  • Introduction of add on courses in the institution to bridge the curricular gap
  • Organization of Two day NAAC sponsored workshop on the “Use of ICT enabled tools for Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions” and promoting the availability of open educational resources by launching the E-content portal of the institution, subscription of Springer e- journals, Knimbus Digital Library, Library automation
  • Organization of National level Awareness Programme on the “Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC for Universities and Colleges” in academic collaboration with NAAC, Bangalore
  • Implementation of Online Feedback System from the stakeholders and the subsequent analysis and submission of the same with suggestions to the affiliating university and higher authority for necessary information and action
  • Scrutiny and forwarding of the files of faculty members for promotion under the career advancement scheme to the Government of West Bengal
  • Preserving Mentor-Mentee Data and separate class hours to be allocated in the routine to strengthen Mentor-Mentee interaction and organization of events in collaboration with the departments, cells and units of the institution
  • Introduction of academic audit for the departments and providing suggestions to the departments on the basis of the academic audit report. This primarily included promotion of collaborative activities of the departments relative to the previous academic session for research, internship, training of students, faculty exchange etc, use of blended mode and student centric strategies for teaching, learning and evaluation activities, providing suggestions to the Head of the institution to apply for the ICT facilities, procurement of advanced equipment for laboratories and books for the central library, arrangement of alternating sources of energy etc.
  • Conducting events to promote the creativity, subject knowledge, research fundamental based, skill enhancement and interactive learning mechanism through webinars/seminars/competitions/special lectures and other similar events in collaboration with different departments and cells
  • Progressive improvement in the research output of the institution in terms of Ph.D. Guidance, research publications, sponsored projects etc
  • Monitoring the effective implementation of e-Governance through online portals
  • MOUs , Collaborations and linkages of the institution with different colleges, institutes, NGOs