Strategic Plan (IQAC)

Long Term Goals(LTG)
  • LTG 1. To create teaching excellence by optimal use of resources
  • LTG 2. To make use of ICT enabled technologies for skill enhancement and self learning for students
  • LTG 3. To facilitate students to pursue higher studies in premier institutes and research organizations
  • LTG 4. To collaborate with several International and National Institutions for the exchange of knowledge and research
  • LTG 5. To have all Faculty with PhD qualification
  • LTG 6. To introduce new research programmes offering Ph.D. Degrees
  • LTG 7. To provide modern infrastructural facility for students and faculty members
  • LTG 8. To provide all sorts of support services and campus facilities to all stakeholders
  • LTG 9. To emerge as a premier centre of teaching and learning process and promote inclusive education irrespective of caste, creed, gender and economical or social background with focus on the holistic development of students
Short Term Goals (STG)
  • STG 1. To obtain the institutional accreditation by periodic review and assessment
    • Regular submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)
    • Regular meetings of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
    • Effective Implementation of the Quality Assurance strategies of IQAC such as feedback analysis, action taken report, organization of events in collaboration with different departments, reforms in the teaching, learning and evaluation process
  • STG 2. Strengthening the student-centric teaching and learning process
    • Adopting conventional and non-conventional methods of assessing the learning levels of students and address accordingly
    • Flipped Classrooms, Role Play, Use of Quizzes, Models, Animations for teaching
    • Presentation by students in student seminars
    • Use of Learning Management System (LMS) MOODLE for group discussions, E- content uploading and assessments
    • Implementation of E-content portal for access to open educational resources
    • Effective Mentoring system to individually address the problems faced by the students
    • Upgradation of the central and seminar libraries
  • STG 3. Implementation of the teaching-learning process through practical training and experiential learning mechanism
    • Educational tours to enhance practical learning experiences
    • Field visits
    • Designing of open- ended experiments and projects
    • Visits to research laboratories to facilitate expert interaction and exposure of students towards instrumentation
  • STG 4. Conducting events to promote the creativity, subject knowledge, research fundamental based and interactive learning mechanism
    • Conducting events on recent trends and developments across various domains
    • Conducting events on research methodology and intellectual property rights
    • Conducting special lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops
  • STG 5. Improvement in the research output
    • Applying to the university for approval to offer PhD programmes
    • Providing space and equipment facilities for research activities
    • Providing all sorts of administrative support to conduct research activities
    • Providing computational facilities for research activities
    • Strengthening the campus internet facilities
    • Upgradation of the central and seminar libraries
    • Encouraging faculty members to apply for research projects
  • STG 6. Enhancing collaboration with other institutes and industries
    • Promoting research collaborations in terms of joint publications, research projects, PhD Guidance etc
    • Promoting collaborative student exchange and faculty exchange programmes
    • Promoting collaborative internships
  • STG 7. Strengthening the support services and campus facilities
    • Providing the proper platforms such as Internal Complaints Committee, grievance Redressal Cell to students to convey their grievances and problems faced in the institution
    • Effective mechanism for verification and processing of scholarship applications
    • Effective implementation of welfare schemes for the teaching and non-teaching staff
    • Actively working anti ragging committee and anti ragging squad for implementation of zero tolerance policy for ragging
    • Psychological counselling and effective mentoring to address the student issues
    • Organizing events to familiarize the stakeholders with health and hygiene issues
    • Providing ample space and equipment for sports and cultural activities
  • STG 8. Career Counselling of students for promotion to higher studies and job opportunities
    • Organization of department specific career counselling sessions for students to make them aware of the higher studies and job opportunities
    • Organization of campus interviews for job aspiring students
  • STG 9. Implementation of E-Governance
    • Use of online portals for admission
    • Use of online portals for data storage
    • Use of online portal for receiving feedback from the stakeholders
    • Use of online portal for all service related matters
    • Use of online portal for scholarship application and processing
    • Use of online portal for all finance and accounts related activities
    • Receiving grievances and problems faced by students through online mode to facilitate redressal without delay
  • STG 10. Holistic development of students through active participation in NCC, NSS, sports and cultural activities
    • Providing facilities of playground, gymnasium and sports items to students
    • Organizing cultural activities
    • Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate in sports and cultural competitions
    • Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate in NCC activities
    • Providing necessary support and guidance to students to participate in NSS activities